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๐ŸŸข Projection

Challenge #1

Created by Thomas Laforge


In Angular, content projection is a powerful technique for creating highly customizable components. Utilizing and understanding the concepts of ng-content and ngTemplateOutlet can significantly enhance your ability to create shareable components.

You can learn all about ng-content here from simple projection to more complex ones.

To learn about ngTemplateOutlet, you can find the API documentation here along with some basic examples.

With these two tools in hand, you are now ready to take on the challenge.


You will start with a fully functional application that includes a dashboard containing a teacher card and a student card. The goal is to implement the city card.

While the application works, the developer experience is far from being optimal. Every time you need to implement a new card, you have to modify the card.component.ts. In real-life projects, this component can be shared among many applications. The goal of the challenge is to create a CardComponent that can be customized without any modifications. Once youโ€™ve created this component, you can begin implementing the CityCardComponent and ensure you are not touching the CardComponent.


  • You must refactor the CardComponent and ListItemComponent.
  • The @for must be declared and remain inside the CardComponent. You might be tempted to move it to the ParentCardComponent like TeacherCardComponent.
  • CardComponent should not contain any conditions.
  • CSS: try to avoid using ::ng-deep. Find a better way to handle CSS styling.

Bonus Challenges


Thanks to all the contributors who have helped make this documentation better!

  • tomalaforge
  • jdegand
  • dmmishchenko
  • kabrunko-dev
  • svenson95