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๐ŸŸ  Content Projection Condition

Challenge #58

Created by Thomas Laforge


Content projection in Angular allows you to create flexible and reusable components by dynamically inserting content from a parent component using <ng-content>. However, debugging content projection issues can sometimes be tricky.

In this challenge, we have a CardComponent that supports a small mode, which conditionally changes how the projected content is displayed. However, there is a bug: when small is false, the card does not render properly.

Your task is to identify and fix this issue without adding inputs while ensuring that the intended behavior remains unchanged.


Your goal is to fix the issue where the CardComponent does not render when small is false.

Steps to complete:

  • Analyze how the small property is used inside the template.
  • Identify why the content is not displayed when small is false.
  • Modify the component to ensure that both cases (small = true and small = false) work as expected, while keeping the same structure and behavior.
  • Ensure that no new input properties are introduced in the component.


  • You must not add any new input properties.
  • The expected UI and behavior must remain unchanged.
  • The @if directive must be correctly handled to ensure content projection works.
  • Do not introduce additional services or state management solutions.
  • The fix should be minimal and focused on resolving the rendering issue.


Thanks to all the contributors who have helped make this documentation better!

  • tomalaforge